Rachel B. Garrett | Career Transition Coach

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How To Write Your Pandemic Elevator Pitch

As one might imagine, I’ve been supporting many unemployed and furloughed job hunters right now. Because none of us have ever navigated this process in a pandemic before—my clients have reasonable concerns and questions.

 How do I stand out in the crowd of candidates?

 How do I strike the right tone when there are people still sick and dying out there?

 How can I network when we could be living an indoor life for months?

 How would I explain a career pivot at a time when safety and security seem like a priority?

 The answers I continue to return to for all of these questions are:

 Be real. Be vulnerable. Acknowledge the identity-shifting moment we’re in. And if there’s a point where your superpowers match up to what the world needs right now, run towards it without asking for permission. This is part of your new narrative, and it will be met with different expectations that have never existed for career shifts. Your pivot can be seen as a moment that you’re stepping into flexibility, resilience and the leadership needed for our new world.

 As I’ve said many times, in several different ways, the best tool to set you up for success in your search is your elevator pitch—and it will be critical to chisel it within the context of our times.

 Here’s how to write your—Pandemic Elevator Pitch:

 Sentence 1: Who are you? What’s the headline of your career, expertise and/or industry experience?

 I’m a marketing professional with 15+ years of experience in digital strategy and execution across several top tier financial services brands.

 Sentence 2: Name your strengths, passions, a “why” and/or a career highlight.

 I’m passionate about developing content that brings the untold stories of real people to life–with detail, empathy, honesty and at least a little bit of fun.

 Sentence 3: Acknowledge the current moment and a shift you are making to adjust.

 During this time of COVID, I’ve been truly moved by the stories of healthcare professionals, their resilience, and their commitment to not only saving lives on the frontlines but also to share information and tools with the public to help with prevention. It’s prompted me to want to pivot—using my marketing and storytelling skills to continue to bring these stories to light for inspiration and hope in this moment.

 Sentence 4: What you’re looking for…the ask

 If you know of health systems or healthcare organizations who are looking for digital marketing and content support, I would love an intro. Thanks!

 Bring it together:

 I’m a marketing professional with 15+ years’ experience in digital strategy and execution across several top tier financial services brands. I’m passionate about developing content that brings the untold stories of real people to life--with detail, empathy, honesty and at least a little bit of fun. During this time of COVID, I’ve been truly moved by the stories of healthcare professionals, their resilience, and their commitment to not only saving lives on the frontlines but also to sharing information and tools with the public to help with prevention. It’s prompted me to pivot—using my marketing and storytelling skills to help organizations continue to bring these stories to light for inspiration and hope in this moment. If you know of health systems or healthcare organizations who are looking for digital marketing and content support, I would love an intro.

Now that you have your pitch, please do this important next step: Use it. Of course this looks different than it did pre-pandemic. I’ve been known to say in the past, network where you are—a coffee shop, birthday party, school drop off or the dog park. In our current times it’s more like—your couch, your bed, your dining room table and for those lucky few—the home office. You must make more of an effort to be visible and that means getting uncomfortable. Attend virtual events, set up zoom meetings and informational interviews, reach out to your contacts with a note to let them know what types of roles you’re seeking. Remember, people want to help. It makes them feel good—especially right now, when we are feeling helpless about so much in our changing world.

If you’re looking for a little extra support in honing your Elevator Pitch, please consider the Nail Your Elevator Pitch Mini Course!

The Mini Course includes…

Five short videos that walk you through:

  • A welcome and setting you up for success

  • Identifying your strengths

  • The strategy and approach to writing your pitch

  • The formula for three different types of pitches based on your situation

  • Getting into action with your pitch

Plus, a workbook where you can write the first drafts of your pitch.

All for $60!

Add a 45-minute 1:1 session to workshop your pitch with Rachel for $125.

Let’s get you out there networking with a pitch that will give you the momentum you need to make that next big career move. Take the next step here: https://www.rachelbgarrett.com/pitch