As a business owner, I am grateful that I am in charge of my time, when I rest and how and when I make my money.
Yet, this concept has not and does not come easy for me. It’s something I must continue to remind myself.
Part of this process is in investigating...where the hell did I come up with my beliefs about money, about career, about wealth? Are these beliefs relevant for my life and the time in which I’m currently living? Are these beliefs serving me for the life I’m creating?
According to my serial entrepreneur father, you always have the ability to make a lot of money when you’re doing the thing you’re best at, on your own terms. Check...this one is working for me.
That said, he also believed, if you have it, you can and should spend it...even if you don’t have it in hand yet. This one has taken some time to unravel...and over the past six years I’ve become grounded in the reality of my money, stewarding it in directions that are in synch with my values and planning for expenses rather than spending beyond my means.
On the flip side, most of my parenting team—my aunt and both grandparents subscribed to the, “hard work will build you enough money to survive plus a few extra’s that should only be bought on sale” mantra. This meant after growing up very poor, they spent years in stressful and unfulfilling jobs to have enough for their families. Career was a means to an end and not an outlet for satisfaction or creativity.
As I dig deeper into these questions, the answers make me uncomfortable and also they build my awareness of whose stories I’m using to define my path. At this point in my adult life, I’m more than capable of writing my own beliefs about money and career that may be different from those passed on by my family and also those of my friends with different life experiences and different goals.
The more I learn about my relationship to money, the more curious I get about how this is impacting the women I serve. How’s it driving their career choices and decisions?
That’s why I’m excited to host Money Mindset Coach, Rose Wu, as our July Guest Expert in my Career Command Membership on July 14th at 8 PM! Rose is a money coach who helps people create healthy, stable, and trustworthy relationships with money. She’ll show you how to release your emotional baggage with money so you can openly receive abundant wealth.
If you’re in a job search or career transition, looking for community, tools and a roadmap in your search—and you’ve been considering the Career Command Membership, join now so you can attend this transformative evening unpacking all that’s holding you back in your relationship to money. Making it, saving it and enjoying what you have instead of fearing what you don’t.
Here’s how to join Career Command: