How many times have you been at a party, a conference or an interview and you hear the words…
"Tell me about yourself."
Hot face. Sweaty palms. Chest constriction. All the panic.
If this is you and your reaction – I see you.
You may be feeling this way because you’re bored with your work, you’re ready for a change or you’ve never sat down to think about – what do I even do well?
Many of us have a hard time talking about ourselves, our gifts and the kind of work we want to do in the world. This is completely normal. Especially when we’ve been taught to tamp down any bragging or boasting since childhood.
You don’t want to be THAT person, right?
Well, if you want to connect with new people who are going to help you figure out what’s next for you in your career – THAT’S exactly the person you want to be.
And you can absolutely do it in your own authentic way. By talking about the things you’re proud of and what you want to learn. What energizes you and who in the world you want to help.
If you’re still having trouble envisioning what you might say, or if your palms are still sweaty just reading this, let me offer up simple solution that will leave you with a unique and memorable pitch in just an afternoon. It’s my...
Nail Your Elevator Pitch Mini Course
The mini course is best for people who:
Are thinking about a shift, but fear networking and sounding “flakey” because they don’t have it all figured out yet.
Are returning to the workforce after a gap.
Are in active job searches and career shifts, but are not yet landing the right next roles or even the right conversations to get those roles.
️ The course includes:
Five short videos that walk you through:
...A welcome and setting you up for success
...Identifying your strengths
...The strategy and approach to writing your pitch
...The formula for 3 different types of pitches based on YOUR situation
...Getting into action with your pitch (How to start using it in networking)
️ A workbook where you can write the first drafts of your pitch
And now you can pair it with single 60-minute virtual session with me to discuss your pitch and anything else related to your search! You can learn more about the Mini Course at
As a coach who helps people design careers on their own terms, I’m a huge proponent of talking to your network BEFORE you have all of the answers for what’s next. In fact, it’s those conversations that help you form the ideas and possibilities for what you want.
So, with this Mini Course, you can get out there and talk to your advocates – early in your process with some hypotheses and clear ways they can be on Team YOU from the very beginning.
I look forward to helping you stand in your power. Own your strengths. And give yourself permission to want what you want.