Your body holds career wisdom…if you listen

As you may remember, I’ve been on a path of divesting from diet and wellness culture, all the many rules and programs and rigid regimes I’ve internalized since the age of 5.

It’s been a process of listening to my body, trusting it knows what it wants – while also drowning out the noisy ever-present messages that tell me to make myself smaller…and well…to buy something to make myself smaller.

It is not easy work.

I’ve let experts tell me what and when to eat for so long, that in this area of my life, my body and I are just acquaintances, sizing each other up – wondering if we’re going to build a relationship.

Yet, as I do this work, I am grateful that there is one part of my world where my body and I are simpatico…and it’s my career.

Since my early career, I’ve locked arms with my body. In the best of times, I’ve listened to its whispers. I took action when I got the nudge. Even when others disagreed, advised against, told me to quiet down or chill the f out.

And even in the tougher moments on my path, when I had two small children and felt stuck on my marketing track, my body sent me clues that would lead me to my answers over time.

I trusted my desire to train for a marathon. To set a big goal. To make time for something of my own that wasn’t about my kids or my job. That training time was exactly what I needed to meditate, to reflect, to learn about myself and what I wanted.

It led me here. To a business and a practice where I trust my intuition and my body’s clues in how to move forward and I teach my clients how to do the same.

In this year of revisiting embodiment in all other areas of my life, I smile wide every time I share one of the many ways it’s threaded within the career pathing framework that’s part of all of my programs.

Remembering the moments in your career where you felt sparky and alive in your body.

Checking in with your body during networking conversations and interviews and even reading job descriptions. If you’re experiencing chest constriction when you read the jd, do you think you’re really going to be energized in the role?

As you’re moving through your day either in your current job or in your job search - experiment with checking in with your body. What are you feeling? What is it telling you?

And if you feel more connected to your body in other areas of your life, spend some time reflecting on how that’s going for you and how it might be able to give you confidence that body trust is possible for you.

How can you build a bridge to create that body trust in your career?

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