July Open Office Hours!

It’s that time again – I’m opening up my Monthly Office Hours beyond my current and former clients.

If you haven’t joined before – we talk about all things career transition and job search-related. From the very tactical of, "Do I reach out to the hiring manager on LinkedIn when I’m applying for the role?", to the big life questions of, "Should I or shouldn’t I take the first job offered to me, even when I haven’t been searching for very long?".

No questions are off the table.

And beyond questions, everyone in this community is showing up with compassion, support and words of inspiration that can make you feel like you’re not alone in this job search adventure.

So – join us on July 1st at 12pm ET. Sign up at rachelbgarrett.com/office-hours.

And send your friends who may be interested in getting some support on a Monday afternoon.

Looking forward to seeing you and your people there!

We can celebrate the beginning of your summer networking together.

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