Big Birthday Reflection

Next week, I have a big birthday. Hey there, 50. I’m coming for you. Or you, me.

It’s caused me to be more reflective than usual. Some may wonder, how is this even possible? You can just ask the people who live with me.

But truly – I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how I want the second half (eternal optimist!) of my life to look. Who I want to show up to be. What I want to accomplish.

Yet, when I sat down to compile my thoughts on the matter today, I was drawn to the past instead of the future. It’s been a time of tremendous growth and I decided to switch gears to marvel at the multitudes contained within this one decade of my life.

The losses of too many humans I loved/love.

The creation of a business and commitment to an entirely new career path.

A steady and meaningful writing practice.

The work of self-acceptance and the countercultural belief that I am enough exactly as I am right now.

The addition of a new lens to re-envision my past with compassion for my ancestors, knowing they did their best and that I also want to do better for my kids.

The parenting of two of my favorite people and the chance to lovingly usher them into the confounding teenage years.

Continuing to find my homebase in a two plus decade partnership between two people who have changed and grown and have never stopped supporting each other through so much damn changing and growing.

I don’t think there’s a decade I’ve been prouder of the risks I took and the mistakes I made.

Even in the roughest of moments this past ten years, my actions came from a place of self knowledge and an honoring of the true me.

I’m grateful to have taken the time for this accounting to know – I’m entering my 50’s from this place and I’m dreaming up the next decade from a calm awareness that I like the artist in charge.

If you’re coming up on a big birthday, anniversary or a meaningful milestone for you, I invite you to look back before you forge ahead. Absorb the learning and the celebration and take a beat, so you can honor the gravity of the path you’ve taken to create this life.

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