Why you’re applying for the wrong roles

Often when people first come to me, they share stories of interviews that felt just ok and rejections that came shortly after those meetings.

My response: Did you want the job?

Well…Long pause.

So, that’s a no. We both smile and agree.

Now, financial needs are real – and sometimes you need to get a new job immediately even if it’s a temporary measure to meet your financial responsibilities.

Yet, I find that people often apply to roles they don’t want – even when they’re not in a rush or in a financial crunch.

Guess what – even if you think you’re putting on a great show during the interview, it still comes through. In body language, in things that aren’t said, in energy. Any emotionally intelligent leader will see through even your best performance.

So why do many apply for the wrong roles?

Impostor syndrome and a fear of change.

And it’s this struggle with worthiness and uncertainty that cuts off their self-awareness at the knees.

They jump straight into the tactical action of doing, skipping the most important inner work steps that require…

Slowing down

Thinking and reflecting

Clarifying priorities and desires

Gathering data on strengths

From this essential work and only from here do the purposeful dots connect, does the energy rise from within and adhere to intentional paths.

The truth feels real in conversations, in interviews because it is real.

And the traction, the momentum, the optimism also becomes real.

This is the work I do with clients in the first month of my 1:1 Coaching Program. So if you’ve been on the hunt for a while and you know you’re applying to roles you don’t want – let’s talk in a complimentary 30-min zoom call.

I can’t wait to show you what it feels like when you actually hope you get it!

March Office Hours: Open to ALL!

This 60-minute session is an opportunity for you to drop in and ask career questions, make connections, or simply say hi. Typically these sessions are reserved for current and former clients, but this session will be open to all.

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