Avoid this job searching mistake

With the mass layoffs in certain sectors right now, many of my clients and job seekers in my workshops are making bigger shifts than they have at other times in their careers.

Their resumes and their LinkedIn profiles are focused in one sector with progressing titles within that industry.

Yet – they’re looking at job postings for new opportunities within another sector. They’re connecting the dots in their heads, so they’re assuming when they apply (often cold without a contact) others also will.

Sorry, but they won’t.

Applying to job postings on LinkedIn without a contact is ineffective when you’re applying within the same industry you’ve worked in for the last 5+ years.

It’s even worse, dare I say, a total waste of time when you’re applying in a new industry.

Please stop doing that if that’s how you’ve been spending your unemployed days.

So, what should you do instead?

Talk to people and ask for help.

This is the way successful career shifters make it happen.

Get your story down. Build the bridge from your strengths to the role you want.

Set a goal or and ask for the conversation.

Do it again and again.

You will get better and sharper and more dynamic in how you tell your story.

And people want to help you.

Even if you haven’t spoken to them in ten years. Even if you never met them, but they went to the same college or worked at the same company or grew up in the same town.

The biggest job searching mistake people make is keeping the search to themselves. A shameful little secret they don’t want to burden others with.

Another way to see your search is as - a problem or puzzle to solve. An adventure where you can learn something new.

Which way sounds more fun to bring into conversations?

If you’re struggling with how to have these conversations, check out my Elevator Pitch Mini Course. At its core, it gives you the language to go out and start connecting with people…today.

So, get talking and asking – and I’ll be here when you need support.

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