Your "Winning" Strategy

There’s a challenge I see coming up with many of the women in my groups and 1:1 coaching and the related scenarios look like this...

They get overlooked for promotions.

They get layered under new levels of leadership. (Which feels like and often is a demotion.)

They go for the big job and the less qualified candidates (often white guys) get the roles.

You’re not going to get gaslit here. A large part of this dynamic comes from the biases that still live within our organizational cultures.

Yet there is something we can do individually to work against these biases.

We can lift our heads up from doing our good work…and talk about our good work. We can talk about how we are uniquely qualified to do that work.

Some call it authentic self-promotion, some fear it’s bragging. I say…it’s simple:

Share your wins.

Listing your wins for yourself will remind you of your competence, your unique style and the pride you have in the impact you’re making.

Telling others about your wins will communicate what kind of work and partners and collaborations they should be sending your way.

It will help them understand when you’re ready for the next step or level.

Part of the work of breaking through bias is normalizing women’s words about their wins, their strengths…and yes, even all that they want.

Feel free to write back to this email and share one of your recent wins. If you have to practice by telling just one person – I’m grateful for it to be me.

L’Shanah Tovah to those celebrating today. To a sweet new year!

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