Job Seekers: Where to Start

In a panel I led last week there were many job seekers asking…What do I do first?

Do I just start researching and applying to roles?
Do I work on my resume?
Do I reach out to people I don’t know on LinkedIn?

In my Career Command Framework, I like to start with one question that my clients often can’t answer in the beginning of our work - What do you want?

Let’s forget about all of the recruiters calling you, all the rabbit holes you’ve gone down researching a thousand roles. The boring ones you know you can do and all of the good on paper jobs that our culture holds up as the brass ring.

Instead, we always start with YOU. Honoring who you are without apology.

In my three-part framework, we start with…

INNER CLARITY: Finding the inner clarity to understand your terms and what you want next.

Then move to…

AUTHENTIC WORDS: Crafting the authentic words to describe you, your experience and why you’re the right fit for this energizing role.

And complete our work with…

INTENTIONAL ACTION: Taking intentional action to strategically use the time you have, activate your network and go after that next role with a focused roadmap.

Here's a look at the full Framework:

I have only 3 spots left for 1:1 Coaching this summer – so if this resonates, grab one of them now!

Feel free to set up a Clarity Call so we can discuss what YOU want next and my framework for helping you get there.

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