Surviving the end of school year chaos

Emails, permission slips, volunteer requests, fundraisers, performances, parties, picnics, dances, field days, spirit days, random mid-week holidays...

Every day of the last month of the school year is overflowing with all of these things and more that I’m too tired to remember.

Each year as this cluster of a month creeps up on me, I start to feel a panic about how I’m going to get it all done.

Then comes the calm when I realize: I won’t. And that’s ok.

I sit down with my husband and kids and say – what’s most important here? And what can we opt out of because it’s less important to all of us?

We just decided we’re going to skip the middle school fundraiser. We bought the tickets so we contributed and I donated my services to the auction, but we don’t need to go.

Because alternatively – we are seeing the middle school musical…THREE times.

Where – as a busy working parent – can you simplify?

What can you say to yourself when you feel the guilt?

What can you do to repair your relationship with your kid when you inevitably mess one (or more) of these things up?

Is it just me or has any other mom brought their kid to a birthday party a week early?

As much as you can get ahead of it, I recommend you do. And then simply have compassion for yourself when it doesn’t all go according to plan.

Well, I’ll surely see some of you at all the things in the next month or I won’t because I need a break.

We’re in the homestretch, people!

Let’s get us all over the finish line.

Rachel GarrettComment