I'm on the Full Plate Podcast!

In the past year I’ve been healing from the harms of diet culture, learning to honor my own body’s needs and investigating the intersection between agency in our careers and body trust outside of Patriarchy and Productivity culture rules.

And after a year of this work, I’m proud to say – deprogramming is hard AF and it’s making me feel more myself, more in my body, more free every day.

I couldn’t have stepped on this path without my compassionate guide – Anti-Diet Nutritionist and now dear friend – Abbie Attwood. I learned from her for months on her podcast – Full Plate – before joining one of her group programs.

Now – I’m beyond proud and grateful to share this episode of Full Plate where Abbie and I are in conversation about my own story with disordered eating and rules that were passed down in my family for many generations.

Plus, we dive into how our focus on dieting, thinness and “health (often code for thinness)” can impact our careers, creativity, relationships – and yes – how much money we make. Truth: It happened to me.

I’m so comfortable with Abbie that after we wrapped the recording I noticed – I had absolutely no idea what I said. Oof!

Now, listening back I know why that is.

Something shifted. I was in my body. I wasn’t performing the talking points.

I was whole.

So – here’s the link (also available wherever you get your podcasts!) if you want to go deep with me on one of my favorite topics of late – and hear more about how my unlearning is colliding with the body wisdom I’ve already woven into the career pathing process I share with clients.

I appreciate you and how you’re walking with me down this counter-cultural path.

To smashing the Patriarchy, one carb at a time.

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