How to navigate the uncertainty of career change

Summer is officially over. There’s much grief that comes along with that statement – and that reality. For many, summer allows for a slower pace, more rest, travel and visiting family.

If you’re someone who has been feeling the nudge that career change is on the horizon, all the reasons to put it off a little longer may have disappeared and now you’re up against that moment you were avoiding.

You must do something about it.

Yet even the idea of it gives you the stomach swirl.

The uncertainty.

The uncertainty of what could be next and how to get there usually paralyzes people into inaction.

That’s why I created an unlikely secret weapon - structure.

I built a career shift framework to support you through each step of the process with tools and strategies.

You only need to focus on one step at a time which allows you to tolerate the discomfort of the uncertainty – bit by bit – instead of letting it pull you entirely out of the game.

Knowing you can accomplish each part of the process gives you the momentum and confidence you need to get through that last leg of the work with your networking, interviewing and negotiating an offer that’s on your terms.

I will be there with you, to guide you and to bear witness to all of your ideas and possibilities that actually live within that dreaded uncertain stew.

Good news, bad news – it’s where we find all of your creativity and the good stuff you’ve been pushing way down.

So if you’ve known September is your time, but the uncertainty has you tied in pumpkin spiced knots – let’s talk about how I can walk you through – one reflective exercise, one LinkedIn strategy at a time.

You can set up a free 30-min zoom call to discuss how you can tap into your career desires even if you don’t know what they are yet.

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