A tight market bears fruit

As we wrap up summer, I want to report from the front lines. I'm seeing clear signs that this tight job market is opening up.

Current and former clients have been reaching out in the last month to set up tight-turnaround sessions to discuss offers – and I do mean offers plural – that they are currently negotiating.

One client called to discuss two offers from her vacation.

So here’s a tip – if you want to finally get the offer – go on a two week vacation.

In my world – 2024 job searches did take longer than those in 2023 – but one thing is consistent.

In all of my nine years coaching, my focus has always been to help you find a role that is on your terms, based on your life priorities. And that is exactly what happened in this tougher job market.

With those clients weighing offers, together, we go back to their non-negotiables that we discussed in the very beginning of the process. We make sure those terms are present in the offer and we strategize how to negotiate to meet or exceed those terms with the final offer.

I’m proud to say that while the processes may have been extended in this market, 100% of my clients who landed new roles this year, stuck to their non-negotiables and were not seduced by the good on paper (with all the red flags) roles that preceded the jobs they accepted.

So if you’ve been wondering if you should dip a toe into the search, but have been fearing what you will face out there, come on in…the water is much more fine that it was a few months ago.

And – of course – I’m here to help you navigate it in a focused and strategic way. So you don’t feel like you’re trying a million things without an idea of what's going to stick.

To learn how to get started you can go to rachelbgarrett.com/clarity to set up your 30-minute clarity call!

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