September Career Walk and Talk!

In my group last week we discussed how we tailor our networking to both our style and our strengths – and what I realized is that my style is vulnerable, casual and in workout gear. YES! 

That’s why I LOVED our last Career Walk and Talk in Prospect Park where we went deep – got honest about our careers and asked each other for intros and support – all while moving our bodies and taking in some fresh air. Sounds better than a stuffy conference room or even a zoom square to me! 

Many of you reached out to say you wished you could make it last time and you’d be in for September – so now’s your chance! Let’s revel in the most beautiful colors and temperature Prospect Park has to offer for our September Career Walk and Talk! 

Join us on September 26th at 5pm at the 3rd street entrance to Prospect Park. 

Register for the walk -

Feel free to send the link to friends who may want to join!

I can’t wait to catch up with you for a low-key chat about how it’s going in your career right now. 

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