Listening and shifting in 2025

This coming March marks the 10 year anniversary of my business. What??? 

It’s truly hard to believe that I’ve been nurturing, imagining–and at times strong-arming this business into what I want it to be for a full decade. 

I continue to learn something new each year. 

I continue to be in awe of  the clients I get to serve. 

And one of my unexpected joys of running the biz is my weekly note to you. Whether you were one of the 100 OG’s who signed up in year one  or a more recent friend, I appreciate you, hang on your every reply and want to do my best to deliver ideas that shift your day, your week–or your career even just a little. 

But–that’s not how I felt at the beginning. 

When a business coach told me that I MUST start a newsletter back  in 2015–for marketing purposes–I had my first new entrepreneur tantrum. You may remember I was leaving a career in marketing, so more marketing was not top of my priority list. 

But–I listened. 

I wrote. From my heart. In my way.

It became my place to put all the pieces together. 

To create art out of work. 

Now, ten years in, I want to keep listening and learning and helping you imagine work that fits with the life you want to be living. 

You are the expert of you and how you want to grow. 

So, what might that be? I’d love to know! Feel free to reply with some career  topics that have resonated in past newsletters or  are of interest to you for your 2025 career moves. 

And speaking of your 2025 career moves, I’m excited to share that I’ll be introducing a couple of new ways we can work together this year. 

It’s clear–some of you have been job searching for a bit already (2025 is your year!) and are seeking shorter packages where we can troubleshoot the areas that are not working in this tricky market. Message received. More information on this to come! 

Thank you for being part of my ten year celebratory listening tour. 

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