Job Searchers: what’s not working?

I hear from many job searchers who’ve been at it for a loooong time.

Whether it’s 6 months, a year or longer, this process takes a lot of energy! When the rejections roll in – or worse – when you keep getting ghosted, it can make you want to quit the process altogether.

Then, you’re back where you started. In a toxic workplace. Being passed over the promotion.

Career purgatory.

I see you job searchers.

This process is hard.

Yet – sometimes the challenge you’re facing in the search and what’s preventing you from getting traction is more about making some SMALL tweaks in your approach instead of a complete reinvention of who you are and what you want to do.

That’s where I come in.

After guiding hundreds of job searchers through this process, I can listen to the approach you’ve been taking, the pitch you’ve been using and witness the areas your interviews may be going off the rails.

There’s no shame. No blame. No judgement.

Again – this is hard and you’re putting in the effort. Let’s work together to get you the results.

I’m so excited to have a new way we can work together on this job search diagnostic.

If you:

  • Already know one, two or three paths you want to head down

  • Have a resume that’s getting you some interviews

  • Have been in a process or two where you’ve been one of the final two candidates and still didn’t get the job. (Always a bridesmaid!)

I can help you with my new coaching package - Career Flex.

Career Flex includes three 45-minute 1:1 sessions where we dive into what’s working and what’s not in your search to help you make small shifts that make a BIG difference.

Whether it’s asking your network for help, shifting your pitch to include your strengths and differentiators or learning to pause when you complete an answer in an interview – there are so many different ways we can shift your approach.

Rachel GarrettComment