Posts tagged Authenticity
Is it Your Time to Strike?

This past weekend my ten year old daughter got her first Covid Vax and I began to breathe out a little.

I’ll be gathering with a small group of family again for Thanksgiving and collectively the 14 of us will have had 33 shots. Throw in a couple of rapid tests for the littles and I’m feeling pretty good about our odds.

Life is starting to feel hopeful again. And yes, I know...we’ve been here before. Remember the joy of June? We’ve turned so many corners at this point, we’re working with an unrecognizable shape of things.

On the career-front, for my clients, the landscape is exciting and optimistic and way outside the boxes they built for themselves prior to our work together.

One client applied to three jobs and got three offers.

Another was negotiating her dream job and the employer requested they make the role a level more senior to match her qualifications.

And still others are asking for sizable bumps in salary from their previous roles--and getting them.

If you are still thinking about making a move in 2021 or after the holidays, now is your time to strike.

To get out there, share your compelling story, state your terms and stand in your power to get what you want. To quote one of my favorite movies, Almost Famous, that I watched with my family this weekend, “It’s all happening.”

I would love to support you in making your shift!

Check out my three 1:1 Coaching Options

Sign up for a 30-minute Complimentary Call if you want to learn more about these options.

PS. Reminding you that holiday time is THE BEST TIME for networking. More on that the meantime, here's what clients are saying about 1:1 Private Coaching!

I had the pleasure of working with Rachel as my 1:1 coach during my career transition. When I started working with Rachel, I had left a job that was frustrating and wanted to take some intentional time off to figure out the next chapter of my career. I was doing quite a bit of networking and exploration but I was feeling a bit lost about my path forward and needed some guidance and a champion to push me through the process. Through Rachel's career transitioning framework, I was able to follow a step by step process without feeling completely overwhelmed and asking myself questions around my core values and the non-negotiables I wanted in my next job. Having clarity on this has helped with being more focused on what I want and know that I don't need to compromise; that I can craft the path I want. She has also helped me build confidence to steer the conversation and ask for what I want, and know that if things don't work out as planned, it's OK, that there are other options to explore.

Rachel was also fundamental in helping me navigate through my interview processes. Having someone with whom I could bounce off ideas and go into each conversation with confidence about what I wanted to accomplish in each step was very valuable. Having worked with her, I feel I have the tools and resources to reflect back and figure a way forward whenever I am feeling stuck about my career. For anyone looking to go through a career transition and needs a champion in the process, I highly recommend Rachel. -- Maki K

What Happens When You Speak Your Truth?

Recently, I took a risk and switched my career-focused weekly article to something deeply personal. I honored the 31st anniversary of my parents' death in a piece called, The Importance of Anniversaries. There were many reasons for me NOT to post something that honest and revealing. A few I tossed around were:

"People will think I'm a mess."

"That's not what people want to hear from me."


But, I was compelled to write it and driven to share it. I felt as if I was giving myself permission to finally speak my native tongue after years of only experiencing it in fleeting moments. 

I put it out there. I went for a run. And when I returned, something remarkable happened—an explosion of love and support and inspiration and hope. Family, friends—old and new, people with whom I lost touch for 20+ years, so many camp friends and total strangers reached out to me on every channel including my neighborhood streets to say the piece inspired them to heal in a new way or they now can better help a friend going through loss and—

"This is the thing you need to be writing and speaking about." 

Deep breathe. While I'm not going to switch gears completely, my eyes and ears were and are at attention to better understand what's happening here. I've stumbled upon, My Truth. It's that thing that when you talk or write about it, it sounds like the most real, raw, honest version of you. For a while now, I've noticed this phenomena when discussing women in leadership and those clues have prompted me to drive my business down that path. What I'm learning is that I may have more than one and each may last for a different window of time—but when you listen to your intuition and speak Your Truth, here's what happens:

You feel alive
When I wrote the piece about my parents, I became that kid again—the girl who lost them AND the girl who survived it. I was able to connect words and emotions that I often struggle to marry in my weekly writing. I was a vessel rather than a wrangler. Every cell in my being was in cahoots and planning the epic party that lived in my belly for days after the piece was completed. Even before I sent it out to the world, I knew it felt different to write—and that after writing it, I was different.

People wake up and listen
When you speak Your Truth—whether it's in writing or in person, your passion and your honesty work like a magnet to draw people in. They lift their heads up out of busy-ness and the noise of media inundation to better understand what it means to be human, to learn something both basic and powerful about their lives that was always there. This is what happened to me on that day when my phone exploded with the music of diverse and simultaneous mobile alerts—all in an effort to go beyond saying, "I'm sorry". They were saying, "I get it more than I ever have." 

If you haven't yet discovered Your Truth—don't fret. You can experiment with becoming aware of how it feels to talk about certain topics with friends, family and colleagues. When do you get impassioned and raw and excited and feel like you don't want the conversation to end? What are the conversations that draw others in and when do you naturally form connections? In discovering Your Truth, you can begin to explore a new career path, direction for your business or way to help the world with your gift. Know that in this search, you don't have to have all the answers. You simply need to be open to the questions. 

Looking for additional support? Schedule a complimentary Clarity Call with me at