Posts tagged Holidays
The Season for Networking

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week, the holiday movies are beginning to trend on Netflix, the Christmas Blend is brewing at Starbucks and the virtual and intimate in-person holiday gatherings are beginning to fill up our respective calendars.

For those of you who’ve been following along with me for a few years now, you may be able to predict what I’m about to say. It bears repeating.

The holiday season is MY FAVORITE time for networking and job searching.

I have clients who get new roles in December every year. I’m serious. Every. Damn. Year.

Are you ready to get your networking on at all of those holiday meals and parties?

It’s time to get your 🦆🦆🦆 in a row and I am so excited to have EXACTLY what you need to get there.

Next Monday, I’ll be launching my new - Nail Your Elevator Pitch Mini Course.

After this mini course, you will walk away with:

A memorable and authentic pitch, that sounds like you, feels energizing and activates your network so they can help you with your next career move.

I’ve got all the tools to get you there...quickly.

Short video how-to’s, three different pitch formulas to match where you are in your process (just starting out and don’t have the answers, actively job searching, or returning to the workforce after a gap).

A workbook so you can follow along with the videos.

All of this for only $60. Yes, I know. This makes me happy.

And I’m even offering a 45-minute 1:1 session to workshop it with me at a discounted rate of $125.

So if you’re motivated to test out your new pitch over these next holiday weeks, look out for my email on Monday.

OK, off to dot some i’s, cross some t’s and put some more love, compassion and joy into a process that most people dread. I’ll walk you through it, bring the fun...and you’re going to take career leaps.

Here. We. Go!

Don’t Give Up Your Job Search Over the Holidays!

I’m going to tell you a secret that you don’t want to hear. I know, it’s been a long and intense year. The world is riddled with uncertainty. You’ve been pushing hard on finding your next adventure and you simply want a break from your job search. And here comes December rolling in–you’ve found your way out! The holiday onslaught of parties, spending and debauchery (well, maybe that’s just me) gives you the perfect reason to call it quits for a while!

Here goes the record scratch, weary one: Do. Not. Stop.

Several of my clients are on their final rounds of interviews RIGHT NOW because it’s business as usual at many organizations that are hungry for new talent. During my previous career in Digital Marketing, I, myself, received two job offers during the week between Christmas and New Years. More champagne for me, people!

You CAN muster your last bit of 2016 career search mojo, and here are my top three reasons why you should:

  1. The struggle is not real: 
    Everyone else believes the myth that there are no jobs to be found in December, so you have the chance to stand out! Hiring managers are receiving fewer resumes and scheduling fewer interviews, so your resume has a greater chance of making it to the top of the pile.
  2. 2017 planning is top of mind:
    Many organizations have wrapped up their budget season and 2017 planning in November. Now, they’re clear on the action they need to take and the people they need to execute on their audacious goals. You could be one of those people!
  3. Time and flexibility is a flowin’: 
    When I was working a full-time corporate gig, I was always a member of the skeleton crew in the office during the holidays. I took on tasks that rarely made the priority list, like organizing my desk and scheduling time with people I’d been meaning to meet with ALL YEAR. In short—people you want to meet with may have more time to connect with you now, than any other time over the next year. Even if you don’t feel like applying for jobs right now, use this time to set up informational interviews and networking meetings with contacts who will be thrilled to talk to another human being after sitting in a ghost town all day! 

This is your chance to make the last month of the year the most critical of 2016. And if you still decide to shut down communication on the job front—you must keep reading, logging your ideas and celebrating all of your wins from this past year.  Because if you’re anything like my incredible clients—there’s a lot to celebrate!