Posts tagged Life Change
Is the "safe" path serving you?

I'm noticing a trend among the women in my orbit - the "safe" path isn't cutting it anymore.

After years, sometimes decades, of playing it safe in their careers, I'm witnessing my coaching clients take risks - from army crawling their way through the ranks at unforgiving companies to courageously leaping into the unknowns of a career transition - these women are forces to be reckoned with.

The pandemic has given us all a renewed sense of urgency, because nothing is promised - even the "safe" path could slip out from under us, so why not be bold?

Is it time to find clarity on your terms, your priorities, and freedom from the shame that comes from feeling stuck or lost in your career?

Are you seeking alignment between your gifts and the impact you want to have on the world?

What I know is this...

Our careers can hold a deep invitation for richer fulfillment - where we can grow and expand into our truest versions, where we feel accomplished and satisfied by our contributions, acknowledged for our gifts, where we get to play, experiment, and shine.

Whether you’re getting that nudge for something new, you’re already exploring something new, OR you're deep into the nuts and bolts of a job search that’s not yet clicking, our work together can guide you through the change in front of you.

For a limited time, I'm opening my calendar up for Single Coaching Sessions - typically only available to prior clients, this virtual 60-minute one-time session is for you to get a quick hit of individualized support and motivation to find the confidence to focus on what’s important to YOU.

You can reserve your Single Coaching Session HERE.

Reach out today and let's take the next step on your path together.

Take Charge of Your Career

The pandemic is becoming something we’re learning to navigate in the background of our lives.

The women in my orbit are beginning to step out of survival mode and realize…I want more from my career. I want to get to that next level in my organization. I want to walk away from that toxic culture. I want to work in a way that works for me.

Career Command was designed to help these women define who they are and what path they need to take to grow closer to their vision. Then with the support of their coach (that’s me!) and their new squad of 15 women, they take action to make their vision a reality.

You’re someone I know who could use this group program filled with other supportive women who are proactive about their careers.

But here’s the reason I know I can help you. It’s because I helped Laura tap into what she truly wanted in her career and helped her realize it was nothing like the rigid box of a vision she thought she had to settle for.

You see, when Laura started working with me, she was stuck at her job of 11 years and kept looking for THE ONE next path. She was at a very niche job and knew that she wouldn't find another version of that role. She felt really limited and stuck with her options--like there was only one way forward.

So she sought me out.

What I told Laura is the same thing I’m going to tell you. Which is that there is not ONE right path out there for you. There are MANY!

By first looking inward at your strengths, what you want to learn and the impact you want to have in your career – we can then figure out the right roles that connect to what you want and get clear on all the transferable skills that can be used to position you for those roles.

It all starts with what YOU WANT.

Yes, Laura was as shocked as you are. And it was that very thing that broke her free, allowing her to leave her job of 11 years and start a new job in a different industry.

In her own words...

“Gaining a true understanding of my superpowers and passions was instrumental to this next step - Rachel was instrumental in guiding me through that.”

If you’re feeling stuck. You don’t know what you’re good at anymore. Or you’ve lost the spark that used to light up your vision.

I can help you find your answers. Your vision. Your spark.

The Career Command Four-Month Shift will provide you with a clear career pathing framework to lead you through every step of your transition.

With Four-Month Shift you’ll get access to:

  • The Career Command Process: Video training and resources to help you shift your mindset, identify your superpowers, and create a solid networking and job search strategy.

  • Weekly Live Video Support Calls: Dig into the lessons and modules within the Career Command Process, share insights with your crew and get real-time feedback from me, your Career Coach, on where you may be feeling stuck (Thursdays at 12pm ET.)

  • One Private 1:1 Session with me and the option to purchase additional sessions at a discounted rate of $250.

  • Curated Career Pods: Connect with a group of like-minded women who will be your team, your supporters, and your accountability partners.

  • Resume & LinkedIn Audit: After reviewing resources on best practices for both your resume and LinkedIn profile, our team will provide you with customized feedback on how you can optimize both to maximize your search and your personal brand.

There are only a handful of spots left for this cohort of Career Command Four-Month Shift and registration closes on Sunday, April 3rd at 10 PM ET.

Do you want to feel energized and excited by all the new opportunities in your career, like Laura?

The women who have already joined this group are talented and creative…and hungry for a change, like you. I can’t wait to see you there!

Your Career Report Card

Every January and February, I work with clients to assess their current situation.
I ask the question, “How’s work working for you?”

The gut response is often…”I’m not sure...”

So we get more specific by answering the following questions - allowing my clients to get honest with themselves about what’s working, what’s not, and what actions they need to take next.


  1. Have you identified what you’d like to learn in your role?

  2. And/or what would you like to learn in your career in general in the next year?

  3. Are you on track to take on projects, attend workshops or participate in programs to help you get there?

  4. What are your biggest obstacles to going after the growth you want?

  5. What are you doing about those obstacles?


  1. What percentage of the time in your role are you feeling sparky, fully alive, in flow?

  2. What are those things that make you feel sparky in your role?

  3. Is there a way to do more of them or spend more time on them?

  4. What are the things that are currently draining you in your role?

  5. Is there a way to do less of them?

  6. What would your work feel like if you could do more of the sparky things and less of draining tasks?

Life Fit:

  1. Is your work aligned with your values?

  2. What are your top life priorities right now? (Money you need to make, flexibility you need, etc.)?

  3. Is your work in sync with your priorities?

  4. Are you able to spend time with family and friends?

  5. Do you have time for creative projects or the things that bring you joy?

Set aside some uninterrupted time to reflect on your own answers. And then, without judging any past decisions or current desires, ask yourself - how’s it really going? What grade would you give your current work situation? And if it’s a C or below…what do you want to do next?

Reach out to me at let me know what showed up for you and where you want to go from here!

Leave This Self-Shaming Statement in 2021

In my groups and 1:1 coaching, one self-shaming statement comes up over and over again…

I’m [insert any age from 20 to 100] and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! 

That’s typically followed by…

What’s wrong with me?

Why am I so behind?

What if I never figure it out? 

Here’s today’s truth bomb:

You may never figure out what you want to be when you grow up. 

Boom. I said that 🤷🏻‍♀️

That very statement implies there’s only one thing you’re meant to do! I call BS. 

You may not have a “calling” AND you can still enjoy your work. You can learn and you can feel good about your career and your life. 

So, if I told you, the lightning bolt may not hit you and that it feels more like a small spark that slowly grows and grows into a fiery, flickering flame anyway…

What would you do differently? 

What would you experiment with?

What would you leave behind? 

If you feel like you’re ready to figure out how to start paying attention to those itty bitty sparks already burning within you, reach out to schedule a 30-minute complimentary clarity call or CLICK HERE!

I Vow to Live Every Year Like I'm 40!

Today, I turn 41. While every year is a milestone to celebrate (in my case bejeweled with birthday tiara), I’d like to take a moment to recognize that whatever was in the “Turning 40 Kool-Aid”, I want more!

The months leading up to my 40th birthday last year were intense. I learned that my close friend, Dave, at 42 was diagnosed with ALS. My grandmother who raised me—after my parents died in a car accident when I was 11— had a stroke and was declining. And then there was the pink elephant that was out there for me to choose to see or not see. My parents never made it to 40. Here I was having this moment they would never have.

It became clear to me that there was only one sensible response to this 40th birthday introspection. Sign up for a marathon!

Having been running regularly for under a year, I decided this was my way to kick 40’s ass. I trained for five months with some of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. People who believe they can do anything and with the incredible support they provide each other—they can. I was lucky to become one of them.

When I crossed that finish line in Central Park last November with my family screaming my name, I was overwhelmed by the thought, “What else can I do?” And that’s how I lived every day of my 40th year. I stepped outside of my “great on paper” career to ask, what’s next? I took risks like trusting a career path to which I've always been drawn and launching my business—because I believed in myself. I started my coaching practice so I can help support others on their journeys, take their risks, run their marathons and kick their “whatever age” in the ass.

Now that I’m a year older, I vow to call on the muscle memory of 40—as the fuel I’ll need to get through the tough times still to come and the peace required to enjoy what I’ve created.

41, let’s do this thing!