Every January and February, I work with clients to assess their current situation.
I ask the question, “How’s work working for you?”
The gut response is often…”I’m not sure...”
So we get more specific by answering the following questions - allowing my clients to get honest with themselves about what’s working, what’s not, and what actions they need to take next.
Have you identified what you’d like to learn in your role?
And/or what would you like to learn in your career in general in the next year?
Are you on track to take on projects, attend workshops or participate in programs to help you get there?
What are your biggest obstacles to going after the growth you want?
What are you doing about those obstacles?
What percentage of the time in your role are you feeling sparky, fully alive, in flow?
What are those things that make you feel sparky in your role?
Is there a way to do more of them or spend more time on them?
What are the things that are currently draining you in your role?
Is there a way to do less of them?
What would your work feel like if you could do more of the sparky things and less of draining tasks?
Life Fit:
Is your work aligned with your values?
What are your top life priorities right now? (Money you need to make, flexibility you need, etc.)?
Is your work in sync with your priorities?
Are you able to spend time with family and friends?
Do you have time for creative projects or the things that bring you joy?
Set aside some uninterrupted time to reflect on your own answers. And then, without judging any past decisions or current desires, ask yourself - how’s it really going? What grade would you give your current work situation? And if it’s a C or below…what do you want to do next?
Reach out to me at rachel@rachelbgarrett.com let me know what showed up for you and where you want to go from here!